This Simple Yoga Pose Can Transform You

Written by Abhishek Vohra

The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.” ~ Rumi

Unlike the physical world around us, the world within us is infinite and peaceful. Oftentimes however, we struggle to truly comprehend the power we possess within ourselves. Just imagine: What if, right now, you could dive within and experience all the possibilities that exist inside us all? The truth is, everyone has that ability, but as humans, it’s not easy. Our existence is consumed by outside conditioning, beliefs and limiting thoughts. We struggle, trapped by an ego that keeps us focused in the physical world. We get distracted and forget that we hold the key to open the door within.

There are continual stimuli and the accompanying noise that governs our outer world. From the constant beeps and notifications on our cell phone, to work demands and the everyday raising and caring for children and loved ones. If we allow it, this life will consume us with non-stop disruptions. It’s no wonder we find it almost impossible to maintain a healthy level of self-awareness and inner peace.

Is there any way forward?

Is it possible to bring harmony to our inner world regardless of what’s happening around us?

The short answer is  — absolutely. The key is to intentionally align our body with our mind and our mind with our higher consciousness. That’s where yoga comes in.

The word “yoga” brings a number of images to mind  — most often depicting a variety of contortionist asanas pulled off by flexible monastic yogis or aesthetic yoga poses on Instagram complete with setting sun and performed by a thin, perfect 30-something woman with a permanent grin. Obviously, someone who is completely unaware of the hectic life we, ourselves, experience daily.

But yoga is not just about the perfect pose nor the perfect state of mind. We are only human. Even the most basic pose, Sukhasana, also known as easy pose, can bring enormous transformation to our interior self and therefore how we “be” or show up in our exterior lives. 

How to Perform Sukhasana

To get into Sukhasana, first sit with a straight spine. Place your hands on your knees comfortably and close your eyes. Tilt your chin gently to your chest and focus your gaze up to the spot on your forehead between your eyebrows and breathe gently and naturally. This pose is about experiencing serenity and acceptance of what naturally comes our way without judgment or reaction.

Countless thoughts will flow in and out of your head. Since it’s almost futile to try stopping them from coming in  — don’t. As soon as you notice your mind has drifted, witness the thought and let it go, refocusing on your breathing. The more you resist, the more these thoughts will seem to persist.

Working Sukhasana into your daily routine, even for just a handful of minutes a day, will help you realign your inner and outer worlds and gain a deeper understanding of your personal truth or journey. This simple pose, requiring no physical stress, can bring enormous inner transformation and peace. Sukhasana helps us reconnect with our inner being or “soul,” as opposed to reinforcing our exterior ego, concerned only with the exterior, physical world. 


About the author

Abhishek Vohra

Abhishek Vohra is a certified yoga and wellness instructor from India. He has been practicing yoga for the last four years along with other spiritual practices including mindfulness and breathing work.