Ditching the All-or-Nothing Mindset with Exercise and Healthy Eating

Written by Gary Deagle

Many of us have fallen into this trap before: when we feel motivated to improve our health and fitness, we search for the “perfect” start date on our calendars. We hope for a time when our schedule is relatively free, so we can commit to a rigorous six-day-a-week exercise routine and a strict meal plan.

Finally, that chosen date arrives, and we dive headfirst into this intense regimen. We go from zero to sixty in no time at all. But then, as it’s bound to happen, something inevitable occurs—we indulge in a “forbidden” food or miss a workout.

Suddenly, guilt and shame consume us, and we believe we’ve failed. We question the purpose of it all. In response, we revert back to our previous habits of zero exercise and mindless eating. This pattern continues until we gather enough motivation to dive back into an all-or-nothing approach.

It’s time to break free from this cycle.

The truth is, adopting a more sustainable approach and focusing on simple fundamentals yields lasting results. The key is to set small, attainable goals that can be maintained over time.

As you accumulate these victories, you begin to build momentum. New habits form, and your efforts become effortless. Your mindset undergoes a transformation.

Curious about these simple fundamentals? Allow me to share them with you.

I encourage clients to focus on a few “anchors” they can incorporate into their daily lives. These anchors serve as a framework of essential habits that, when consistently followed a majority of the time (perfection is not necessary), produce remarkable results.

These anchors include:

  • Taking 6,000 or more steps per day.
  • Engaging in two full-body resistance training workouts each week.
  • Consuming three meals per day that consist of both protein and produce.
  • Eliminating mindless snacking.

Select one of these anchors to start with and work on it until it becomes a habit. Understand that you won’t always succeed, and that’s perfectly okay.

Stick with it. Eventually, you’ll begin to experience the benefits, and it will become a natural part of your routine and way of life. Until one day, it becomes second nature.

Then, you can move on to another anchor.

By abandoning the all-or-nothing mindset and concentrating on small yet impactful habits, you’ll achieve incredible results and embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

About the author

Gary Deagle

Gary Deagle owns Coastal Strength & Fitness in Newport News, VA, and is a Certified Master Health Coach with Precision Nutrition and has been in the industry since 2005.