Stronger Together: A Note to America

Written by Jenny Pritchard

Over the past few months, we have endured an unprecedented level of life-or-death rules and guidelines coupled with a seemingly never-ending display of human-to-human brutality and its ensuing civil unrest. It’s a perfect storm – and I venture to ask myself, “For what?”

During this time of great challenge and growth, I’ve been contemplating and hoping that through mindful words and actions, open conversation and peaceful demonstrations, we can inspire and motivate this great nation of ours to rise above its differences and agree on a collective growth of the heart. With this intention, communities large and small alike are planning collaborative rallies to show their solidarity and support for all its citizens in hope of acknowledging what has been and in intention of starting anew.

There’s a story from a long time ago based on question and answer:  I ask you, “Who’s my neighbor?” Within the first two words of the answer, we can surmise what we need to hear. With the simple answer, “A man …” accompanies no disclaimer. There’s no specifics on what the man looks, believes, lives and loves like. We can then surmise the answer includes all men (and women) regardless of race, sex, ability, socioeconomic circumstance or religion – in short, the foundation of what our union was based upon.

In this uniquely positioned and blessed country we are privileged to be living, I like to think that as long as our actions follow what we preach and teach, we can begin to build bridges over walls – many times walls that we, ourselves alone have built. Our nation, our communities and our households are only as strong and as healthy as are our connections and bonds with each other. Our success in building sustainable systems rests in our ability to bridge the gap between those differences and celebrate them. 

Today and for years to come, we will be stronger, together.

About the author

Jenny Pritchard

Jenny Pritchard is a 3rd-grade elementary school teacher. She and her husband have three teenage boys. In her free time, she paints, draws and finds inspiration in growing her circle of neighbors in her local Williamsburg, Va., community.