The Windowsill Garden

Written by Jessica Dambruch

CREATE YOUR OWN ORGANIC Space-Saver for Sustainable Urban Health

We all want to save money, eat healthier foods and do something good for Mother Earth. Springtime in Virginia presents us with the ideal opportunity to do all three with a simple, space-saving solution: home gardening. But you don’t need a traditional garden plot to create your small, organic wonder. Whether you are an avid vegan or vegetarian or simply tired of soaring grocery prices, a windowsill or porch garden is an easy and fun way to keep costs down and cultivate a steady supply of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Getting Started

The right combination of sunshine, water and love are truly all a mini-garden requires. Do not worry if you lack a “green thumb.” It comes as a surprise to many that not everything must be started with seeds. Many plants can easily be started by rooting cuttings from mature plants in water, and then transitioning them into a pot.

Novices may begin micro-gardening with seedlings in readymade planters from local home and garden outlets such as Home Depot, Lowe’s and Walmart. Many of these young plants will come with guidelines for maintaining wellness, and will build a gardener’s confidence.

Make It Personal

It’s your garden; make it beautiful! Consider repurposing your surplus storage containers and tea tins for a decorative display alternative. After selecting your container, puncture the bottoms with a few small holes to allow for drainage, and arrange them on a drippings tray. If you plan an ambitious garden, you may also consider placing the extra pots on a small table or shelf to ensure adequate sunlight.

Planning A Garden With Benefits

Try growing a variety of produce that you can enjoy in many dishes, or that you regularly buy. Whatever you choose, some preliminary research on proper growing conditions will better your chances of a strong harvest, and of adding important vitamins and minerals to your diet. You can also rest assured that, unless you use them, no outlandish fertilizers or pesticides will make their way onto your plate.

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