How Working at a Desk All Day Affects Your Back?


The longer you sit, the more damage can occur. Sitting (especially incorrectly) can place almost double the compressive load on your spine than standing. This can add up quickly to pain, and even worse, a spinal injury.

A long period of sitting tightens muscles. This can form muscular imbalances in the body causing muscles, joints and discs to overwork, and create damage through stress in these regions. When you add the repetitively tightened muscles to the compressive forces of sitting for long periods of time, neck and back pain can be inevitable.

How to counteract:

  • Proper workstation ergonomics. Get professional advice
on how to design your work area so that it places the least
amount of stress on your neck and back.
  • Frequent breaks. Make time to stand up and stretch.
A short break every 30 minutes is recommended.
  • Preventative program. Taking time outside of work for your body is important to counteract the daily grind. Examples include massage therapy, chiropractic care, yoga, relaxation techniques, regular exercise or a stretching regimen.
  • Proper sleep and diet. Believe it or not, these can play a role
in your posture at work. If you are tired, it will be harder
to sit correctly, causing additional stress on the body.

We sit more than we used to. Increased technology use is making neck and back pain more prevalent. Counteracting these stresses will not only pay off now, but may help to prevent any long-term damage.