7 Ways to Wear Heels – and Feel Comfortable

If you feel powerful, beautiful and oh-so-tall wearing heels, but just can’t stand the pinching, rubbing and blistering anymore, try out these tips to feel more comfortable:

Check Your Heel Position

When you buy a pair of shoes, the heel of the shoe should never line up with the back of the shoe. This can throw off your center of gravity, causing you to put all your weight on your toes.  Instead, purchase shoes where the spike of the heel is directly under where your actual heel will sit in the shoe. These types of heels will help you distribute your weight more equally across your feet, leading to less foot fatigue.

Invest in Your Shoes

While you don’t need to drop thousands of dollars on Louboutins, more expensive heels often provide more support and padding inside the shoe. Heels made out of better materials are more breathable, while real leather soles are more flexible beneath your feet. Heels with better construction also help you distribute your weight, and they last longer, too.

Choose a Wedge When Wearing Heels

Though a spiky heel might make you feel sexy, wedges are a much more comfortable choice. Wedges help you put weight down across your whole foot, resulting in less strain. Wedges with an ankle strap are also less likely to move around. You’ll find these heels are the most comfortable since they allow you to move more naturally.

Try a Not-So-High Heel

Even an inch or two less in height can make a heel more much comfortable. Try wearing heels that are only an inch or two high instead of the standard three inches. If you can’t find any lower heels to purchase, a shoe repair shop can shave down your existing shoes for you. The service isn’t expensive and can help you get a lot more wear out of your favorite shoes.

Stretch Out Your Shoes

If too-tight heels are a problem, try stretching out the shoes. You can either purchase a shoe stretcher or take your heels to a shoe repair shop. Even a little more space can mean a lot more comfort, especially at the end of the day when your feet are swollen. Remember, you should always spend time breaking in your new shoes before wearing them to a big event or a long day at work.

Tape Your Toes

Some women swear by taping together their third and fourth toes. A nerve runs between these toes from the ball of your foot. By keeping your toes together, you put less pressure on that nerve and experience fewer painful sensations when wearing heels.

Practice Better Posture

Walking in heels isn’t like walking in tennis shoes. You’ll need to engage your core muscles and keep your back straight. You will need to move your legs from the hips more than the knees, lifting the entire leg, not just the calf and foot. Your steps will feel bouncier than normal in heels. Since you should always break in a new pair of heels, practice walking around your home in them while focusing on good posture. If you experience serious foot pain both in and out of heels, it may be time to see a podiatrist. Podiatrists specialize in treating feet, including providing insoles designed just for you.

Kasey M. Fuqua: Kasey Fuqua has been writing for hospitals and healthcare publications for over five years. Her writing often inspires her to explore new habits at home, from baking healthier to trying different workout routines. She’s a firm believer in lifting heavy weights, enjoying the food you eat and getting eight hours of sleep.