Ways to Stay Active at Work

[dropcap]For those that have a desk job, it is not uncommon to sit for eight or more hours in a day. Unfortunately, so much sitting can really take a toll on your health in the form of back or joint pain. Plus, being sedentary can even increase your risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes according to recent research.[/dropcap]

Luckily, there are ways to maximize your time at work to incorporate activity into your daily schedule.

 1.    Plan walking breaks or hold walking meetings.

Steve Jobs made a habit of holding “walking meetings” and you should, too. Breaking up your day with either walking meetings or scheduled walk breaks ensures that you are getting steps in which can also help recharge your energy and focus. So not only are these breaks great for your health, but they can also end up increasing your overall productivity at work.

 2.    Stretch.

When engrossed in a particularly in depth project or task, it is easy to stay in the same position at your computer for hours at a time. This understandably leads to stiffness and muscle fatigue. When you find yourself getting particularly tense, take a few moments to stretch and refocus. Even light stretching is known to help reduce stress and increase circulation which can help increase your overall wellbeing.

 3.    Use a stability ball in place of a regular chair.

Swapping out your typical rolling office chair for a stability ball for a couple hours every workday can help engage your core and increase calories burned. Since using a stability ball requires balance, you will find yourself moving more and engaging muscles you wouldn’t use if you were just sitting regularly.

 4.    Take the stairs and park further away.

Small changes can make a big difference. If you usually use the elevator to get to your floor, take the stairs. Additionally, parking your car further away than you would usually park can also increase your steps. While these types of actions seem simple, they add up over time and will help alter your mindset to look for opportunities to be more active.

 5.    Look into company-sponsored wellness programs.

Chances are, you’re not alone in your quest to be more active throughout the day. Many companies host walking groups or exercise classes which are often free to employees. Research what options your company provides and try some of the various offerings. You just might meet a like-minded coworker who can help keep you motivated.

It is important to keep in mind that in a given day, the majority of your time will be spent at work. Shifting parts of your schedule to accommodate activity is not only beneficial to your health but it is also vital to help keep you in tip-top shape to perform your job to the best of your abilities. Taking time to keep yourself healthy helps both you individually and your company as a whole.

Brittany DeLong: Brittany is a health enthusiast, freelance writer, and full-time editor based in Sterling, Virginia. She recently earned her master's degree in publishing from The George Washington University. You can read more of her work on her website at brittanydelong.com.