What are the treatment options for incontinence?


by Jennifer Miles-Thomas, M.D., FPM-RS

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. 

There are many different reasons why someone may have incontinence. You may leak urine when you cough, laugh, sneeze or jump. This type of incontinence is called stress incontinence. It is treated by pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises called Kegels. If the exercises do not provide benefit for some reason, you may be referred to a pelvic floor physical therapist. Slings and urethral injections are available to those who have failed conservative therapy. Unfortunately, there are no FDA approved medications to treat stress incontinence. 

If your bladder is overactive, it may squeeze more frequently causing you to void more often. With an overactive bladder, you may leak before making it to the bathroom. An overactive bladder is first treated with dietary and behavioral changes and at times, physical therapy. Medications may be used if conservative therapies do not provide adequate benefit. If diet, physical therapy and medications do not stop the leakage, newer therapies such as Botox, Interstim (a pacemaker for the bladder) or PTNS (posterior tibial nerve stimulation) are now available.

If you have incontinence, there is help. Talk to your doctor or see a urologist. 


Urology of Virginia


Jennifer Miles-Thomas: