Summer Recipe: Cucumber Salad with Strawberries and Feta

Cucumber Salad with Strawberries and Feta

Cucumber and Strawberry Salad
Serves 4
This four ingredient salad is delightfully easy to make and tastes great too.
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  1. One medium-large cucumber
  2. One cup fresh strawberries
  3. Crumbled feta cheese
  4. Poppy-seed dressing
  1. • Wash and slice one medium-large cucumber into rings or strips.
  2. • Wash and quarter 1 C of fresh strawberries.
  3. • In a large bowl, toss together cucumbers and strawberries, dividing portions onto small salad plates.
  4. • Sprinkle with feta cheese and drizzle lightly with a fruity poppy-seed dressing.
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