Experiencing Summer Through The Burger

While there are still some dog days of summer left, there’s no question that we’re gearing up for back-to-school and such.  With that said, I recommend living in the moment, because there are still some great parties that can be hosted and delicious burgers to be grilled. As a summer party staple, we mustn’t take the ground meat patty for granted. 

So please, grillers, stop assaulting the patties by fondling and worse, pressing them with your spatula on the grill.  I’ve seen this done far too many times, and I cringe as I watch all the juices flow out of the patty and onto the flames as its flavor and juiciness goes up in flames.

Just because burgers are a ubiquitous summer staple doesn’t mean they have to be boring.  They are a carte blanche begging to be dressed up.  Here are some of my burger tips that I beg for you to try:

  • Experiment with other ground meats. Remember the leaner the meat, the more seasoning must be added, such as fresh or dried herbs.
  • Infuse strong cheeses like smoked gouda, or blue right into the burger.
  • Not watching calories?  Add some minced bacon to your mix.
  • Going vegetarianPureed beans make for an excellent binding agent.
  • Try different slaws to add that unexpected punch of refreshing flavor.  Let your pallet be your guide from sweet to tangy to exotic.
  • Wow your guests with an eye-catching presentation.  Stake a mini pickle on a wooden fork and skewer through the burger and buns.
  • Let the world be your guide and experiment with cultural flavors to give your guests an unexpected burger experience.
Kimberley Cuachon Haugh: Kimberley Cuachon Haugh has a passion for fashion and food, "Look good. Eat well," is her philosophy. She is the owner of Kimberley Ashlee Catering where she uses seasonal and sustainable ingredients for her clients in Hampton Roads and Pittsburgh. Find her: kimberleyashleecatering.com | Follow her: @bookkacatering & fb.com/kimberleyashleecatering