Mighty Mr. Reuben

What better way to celebrate the St. Patrick’s holiday than with a hearty stack of seasoned corn beef, sauerkraut, gooey Swiss cheese and Russian dressing, mingling deliciously between toasted thick-cut slices of marbled rye.
The Mighty Reuben Sandwich
Serves 5
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Prep Time
3 hr
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
3 hr 20 min
Prep Time
3 hr
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
3 hr 20 min
  1. 4lb Slab Corned Beef
  2. 1 Loaf Marbled Rye
  3. Sliced Swiss Cheese
  4. Sauerkraut
  5. Russian Dressing
  6. Butter (for toasting bread)
  1. Cooking the meat simple - buy a prepared slab of corned beef from your local grocer or meat market and cook per packaging instructions. This usually means boiling the meat for a set amount of time. Once the corned beef is ready, allow to cool, slice and set aside.
  2. To prep the sandwich, toast slices of marbled rye to golden perfection. Drain the liquid from the sauerkraut and set your swiss cheese out. Gently coat a skillet with butter and place over medium-high heat. Add a pile of sauerkraut to the skillet and cook briefly. Once the sauerkraut is warm, remove from heat and set aside.
  3. Turn your oven broiler on high, lay pairs of the marbled rye toast on a cookie sheet, topping one side with sliced corn beef and sauerkraut and the other with a slice or two of swiss cheese. Place cookie sheet into the oven and keep an eye on your ingredients. Once the cheese is melted, remove from the oven, add your choice of dressing–Russian or Thousand Island, and close the two sandwich sides together. Now you're ready to eat.
  2. Calories (kcal) 468
  3. Fat (g) 32
  4. Saturated Fat (g) 10
  5. Cholesterol (mg) 81
  6. Carbohydrates (g) 30
  7. Dietary Fiber (g) 3.5
  8. Total Sugars (g) 5
  9. Protein (g) 18
  10. Sodium (mg) 1291
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