Read this if You’re Considering Progesterone Replacement

When is a good time to start hormone replacement?  The most common age of menopause is 51; however, for some women, pre-menopause can start as early as their late 30s. As women get older, their reproductive hormones decline, bringing about many unpleasant symptoms. Some will experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, headaches and memory lapses. Women are often told by their family provider that this is part of aging and there is little that can be done. This is simply not true. Starting progesterone replacement in our early 40s can ease or prevent some of the worst symptoms of menopause.

Hormones control virtually all the functions of the body, including reproductive, immune and metabolic systems. When there is a hormone deficiency, there is an imbalance leading to a decreased quality of life. Bio-identical hormones derived from the yam are identical in structure to the hormones found in the body. Progesterone is a natural anti-depressant and progesterone replacement can lessen anxiety while also improving thyroid and brain function, promoting better sleep and reducing cancer risk, migraines and estrogen-induced bleeding. Bio-identical estrogen initiated in early menopause (typically one year after your period stops) reduces the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Nothing reverses aging; however, bio-identical hormones can help slow the process and maintain optimal health.

Deborah Wainwright, DNP, ANP-BC, NP-C, CNOR: Deborah Wainwright, DNP, ANP-BC, NP-C, CNOR Hormone Health and Weight Loss 757-707-1588