How can I prevent memory loss as I age?

Bones are living tissue made up of calcium and protein. Healthy bone is constantly regenerated as small amounts of calcium are absorbed and replaced.

While we don’t want to think about it, as we all age, we can all likely expect to experience some memory loss. Forgetting where we placed our keys, for example, or a birthday. However, there is a difference between that normal level of forgetfulness and the types of memory loss that comes with diseases like Alzheimer’s, amnesia, medication side effects, depression or head trauma. The same healthy living habits that help you live longer and maintain physical vitality are the same activities that will help prevent memory loss as you age.

  1. Exercise regularly. This doesn’t just increase your muscle size. It boosts brain power. Whether you like to walk, run or Tai Chi, stay active. All of this movement helps increase blood and oxygen flow to the brain which can help prevent memory loss.
  2. Drink alcohol in moderation and don’t smoke.
  3. If you have a chronic condition, like high blood pressure, be sure to keep up with your regular check ups. A better pumping heart means more of that blood and oxygen is getting to the brain.
  4. Be social. Being engaged with people and conversation helps exercise the mind.


Kyle Allen: Dr. Kyle Allen is nationally recognized for his work in geriatric medicine and currently serves as the Vice President for Clinical Integration and Medical Director for Lifelong Health services for the Riverside Health System.