Are You Finished Having Children and Seeking an Alternative to a Hysterectomy?

Alternative to a Hysterectomy

Heavy periods are the number one reason women visit a gynecologist, and it’s estimated that 20-40% of women suffer from them. For women finished having children, endometrial ablation is a quick, safe, and effective alternative to a hysterectomy. Endometrial ablation is a way to take control of heavy periods during the years between child-bearing and menopause. Endometrial ablation can significantly reduce, and often eliminate, heavy periods. New research indicates two out of three women experience no bleeding following endometrial ablation, and the overall success and patient satisfaction is greater than 90%.

Because endometrial ablation is incisionless, the uterus remains intact, the hormone levels remain stable preventing early menopause, and the recovery time is one day. Endometrial ablation may be performed in the comfort of a gynecologist’s office, and often minimal IV sedation is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist to eliminate discomfort and reduce anxiety.

Endometrial ablation is only indicated for heavy periods, so be sure to talk with your gynecologist about a plan for permanent contraception.

Naved Jafri: Naved A. Jafri, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates of Hampton (757) 722-7401