Office Fitness

10 Smart exercises you can do at work

Sitting is the new smoking. Evidence supports that our chair-oriented, sedentary lifestyle affects our health and our economic productivity. It’s probably truest for the deskbound office worker logging in nonstop hours at the computers than for the couch surfer. Between cars, couches and desks, Americans spend about half their lives sitting—and that does not include sleeping.
Fortunately, it is easy to incorporate exercise at the office. All you need is 10 minutes and an office chair.
Complete the following 10 exercises for one minute each. Repeat throughout the day as your schedule permits.

1. Leg Lifts

While seated with legs at 90 degrees, lift both feet one inch off the floor. Hold for 15 seconds and release. Repeat four times.

2. Single Leg Squat

Stand in front of a chair. Lift and hold up your left leg while squatting with your right. Keep your chest up and hips back. Repeat for 30 seconds, 
and then switch legs.

3. Plié Squats

Stand behind a chair. Take a wide stance with your toes turned slightly out, lightly holding the top of the chair. Squat while keeping your chest up and your back straight. Repeat for 60 seconds.

4. Wall Sits

Standing with your back against the wall, bend the knees and slide your back down the wall until the thighs are parallel to the floor. 
Sit and hold for 60 seconds.

5. Calf Raises

Lightly holding a chair for balance, raise up onto the toes and release. Repeat for 60 seconds.

6. Desk Push Up

Place hands on a desk slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keeping feet together and shoulders and hips aligned. Lower into a push up. Repeat for 60 seconds.

7. Desk Dips

Begin by facing away from a desk. Position hands on the desk with fingers facing forward. Keep the elbows under the shoulders and dip down until the elbows are at 90 degrees. Repeat for 60 seconds.

8. Shoulder Circles

Stand with arms overhead. Circle arms 
clockwise for 30 seconds, and then counterclockwise for 30 seconds.

9. Desk Plank

Come to forearm plank on desk with elbows under shoulders. Keep hips, shoulders and feet together. Hold for 60 seconds.
Isometric Contraction: Contracting or tightening the muscle without movement.

Bridgit Kin-Charlton: Bridgit Kin-Charlton, M.S., Ed., C.P.T., is a certified personal trainer and owner of B-defined Innovative Personal Training and Wellness.