Meet KAATSU: The Best-kept Secret in Biohacking

It’s rare something like this misses my radar. Over the past 15 years I’ve featured every kind of health & fitness trend and gadget imaginable on TV as a lifestyle host but somehow this remained hush-hush and never surfaced up until now.

I received the “insider’s scoop” by one of the scientists interviewed on my new longevity series ‘The New 100 Longevity Campaign’ and was put in touch with the company’s president to review this hidden gem for myself.

“I had become privy to what every elite athlete has kept hush-hush as their athletic “edge” for years.”

What I’m talking about is called KAATSU.


Everyone from pro athletes; baseball, basketball and football players, swimmers, golfers, sumo wrestlers, martial artists — U.S. Olympics Team not to mention “the Agencies” as in CIA, FBI, Army, Navy Seals…and the list goes on and on. They have all been “in the know” about KAATSU for years, and now you will be too.

The brainchild of Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, the basic premise of Kaatsu was conceived in 1966. A young athlete at the time, Dr. Sato noticed how much his calf muscles hurt after kneeling through long Japanese ceremonies. He realized the swelling was similar to the pumped-up feeling he got after vigorous weight training. Through his research Dr. Sato found that modified blood circulation in the limbs helped build muscle through a biochemical reaction in the brain.

The word KAATSU means “additional pressure” in Japanese. It’s a mashup of the words “additional” — ka — and “pressure” — atsu — the system puts thin, computer-controlled, pressurized bands around your upper arms and legs to reduce the amount of blood flowing back from the muscles in your extremities.

Since KAATSU works on the venous flow, it is a highly efficient means at enabling the body to improve itself to enhance the blood flow throughout the body. The results are an incredible cascade of positive physiological effects that benefit our longevity potential, our athletic performance, for rehabilitation and recovery and my personal favorite…. skin tightening!

Check out this white paper on the health benefits using KAATSU. I invite you to watch today’s episode as we take a deep dive on this incredible product and if you wish to purchase, show viewers receive 10% off your order using the promo code “LINDACOOPER” .

Enjoy the episode and welcome to The New 100 Longevity Campaign.

Linda Cooper: Linda Cooper is an award-winning television host, executive producer and content creator serving as a brand ambassador to worldwide travel, luxury lifestyle and healthy living. With a careful eye for detail, a strong work ethic and extreme determination, Linda Cooper has produced and hosted several lifestyle television series throughout her career in the TV industry that inspire the journey and bring impact through entertainment. Shining the spotlight on travel, shopping, fitness, luxury and longevity, Linda’s worked with some of the biggest brands in the world. Her wide-ranging experience includes hosting a variety of talk / lifestyle shows, anchoring red carpet pre-shows and interviewing the brightest scientific minds in the world of health and longevity.