Keeping a Running Journal

Written By Sammy Hutchison

“Those who are unaware of history are destined to repeat it.”  
—George Santayana

When someone approaches me for running advice, I occasionally get
very specific questions about how to shorten one’s stride or maybe even what to do when the bathroom god calls during a race. But more often than not, the question is a broad and very common one: “How do I improve?” My first response is always, “Keep a journal.”

I am not suggesting a booklet in which you confide your latest crush or why your boss is driving you insane. I am suggesting a running journal that focuses on—you guessed it—running. It is probably the single most useful tool for every level of runner, from the casual lunch-break type to the collegiate champion looking to make a go on the pro circuit. Your running journal does not have to be anything fancy.  As a money-strapped college student, I transformed my French class spiral notebook into my daily running journal. (Despite the lack of a notebook, I did pass the class …. barely.)

The contents of your journal should be simple, too. The date, time, weather, route, duration, miles covered, goals for a particular run—whether you achieved them—and goals for tomorrow’s run should be the basics, but there is really no end to what you can include. You could even write down the song that helped push you through the last tough miles. (It can be private, so no one will know it was a Spice Girls ballad that saved you.) A lot of Internet sites offer free programs that allow you to log your workouts and notes, which is ideal for the tech-savvy runner.

The question is, how does this help you on your running journey? First, there is the motivation factor. Beginner and advanced runners alike can benefit from setting goals. Whether it is just making it out for three 30-minute runs a week or breaking the 15-minute mark for the 5k, writing down your goals will hold you accountable. A journal also provides an outlet to craft a plan or road map as to how you are going to achieve your goals.  After you formulate the plan, the journal allows you to track your progress and record your milestones.

You know the saying, “You don’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been.”  This is where a running journal is most useful. Once you have a recorded history of your runs, you will have an incredible tool.  With this information you can now go back and see what worked in your training, what didn’t work, what you could add and what you could subtract. It is easy to get complacent in running. Doing the same routes, workouts and training plan gets old, and can make performance and passion for running go out the window very quickly. Being able to see where you can make adjustments or improvements will lead to a life full of fast runs and smiles from ear to ear.

The last and probably most important benefit of keeping a running journal is injury prevention. Nobody likes being on the disabled list. I know some runners who turn into zombies when they can’t lace up their shoes. Writing about any aches and pains you may be experiencing will help you know when to take a break or what may have caused a particular injury in the first place.

The benefits of keeping a running journal are a laundry list for running success. Aside from shoes, it might be a runner’s most important tool. If staying motivated, improving performance and staying injury-free are high on your list,  I highly suggest picking up a blank notebook and starting today. I can tell you that college French class notebooks work quite well.




War Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Virginia War Memorial
8 a.m.

Be The One Run 5K
North Shore Commons at Innsbrook Pavilion
8:30 a.m.

Bon Air Elementary 5K
Bon Air Elementary Main Entrance
9 a.m.

April 28
CASA Superhero 5K
St. Joseph’s Villa
9 a.m.

May 6
Carytown 10K
West Cary Street, Cary Court
8 a.m.


April 14
Run the D.O.G. 5K
Colonial Williamsburg
7:30 a.m.

April 21
Walsingham 5K Run/Walk
Walsingham Academy
9 a.m.

May 19
Run for the Achievable Dream 8K
College of William and Mary
8 a.m.

May 20
Run for the Achievable Dream Half Marathon
College of William and Mary
7 a.m.

May 28
Yorktown Freedom Run 5K
Grafton High School
8 a.m.

Hampton Roads

April 14
T.S. Gates Memorial 5K
Poquoson High School
8:30 a.m.
(757) 868-3247

April 14
Run the D.O.G. 5K
Colonial Williamsburg
7:30 a.m.

April 21
Trot for Teal 5K/8K
Mariners’ Museum
8 a.m.

April 28
Tabb High School May Day 5K
Tabb High School
8 a.m.

May 5
Riverside Rehab 5K by the Bay
Peterson’s Yacht Basin
9 a.m.

May 28
Yorktown Freedom Run 5K
Grafton High School
8 a.m.

For more upcoming races in your area, visit:
Richmond —
Williamsburg —
Hampton Roads —

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