In My Own Words: Amber DeVore

Amber Devore, RD, LDN, CSSD

Hi, my name is Amber DeVore, RD, LDN, CSSD. I am a registered dietitian and owner of DeVore Nutrition and Wellness in Williamsburg, Virginia. My husband Luke and I have two children, a cat and a parrot—so there is never a dull moment at home. I am especially passionate about food sensitivities, sports nutrition, weight management and food allergies. I recently published a children’s book on food allergies titled “My Food Allergies.”

Health to me is a symptom of wellness, and wellness is a function of diet, activity and a positive attitude.

I love that The Health Journal provides a professional, comprehensive and local perspective of health and wellness, right here in Hampton Roads.

Health Journal: Health Journal's mission is to educate and empower our readers to achieve optimum health. Health care professionals, together with seasoned journalists, partner with us to produce consumer-friendly content on a wide variety of health topics to boost wellness and lead a fulfilling life, including advances in medical technology, ways to manage healthy relationships and recipes to encourage healthy eating.