Finding Balance

From walking to the mailbox to reaching overhead for an object in the kitchen, balance plays a crucial role in our daily lives. But as we age, our ability to balance can decrease if we do not engage it on a regular basis. If you’re looking for a way to grow and develop your sense of balance, try this yoga pose to gently and safely challenge yourself.

  1. Start in tabletop position on the floor, with your wrists under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.
  2. Push your fingers into the floor as you lift your chest and broaden your shoulders. On an inhale, extend your right foot back to hip height, extending through the heel and flexing your foot.
  3. Moving slowly and on an exhale, bring your knee in towards your nose. Round your back. Repeat steps 2 and 3 three more times.
  4. On the fourth repetition, extend your heel back and lift your hand off the floor, reaching through your fingertips. Firm your belly muscles, lift your chest and gaze forward. Hold for 3-4 breaths. Engage your core strength to keep yourself upright.

Take child’s pose by shifting forward and resting your forehead on your mat. Enjoy 4-5 breaths here, then repeat on the left side.

Pointers: Move very slowly. The slower you go, the more strength you will build. Enjoy each breath. Strive for controlled, graceful movements and transitions. Our mental state often influences our outcome, so try to relax as you challenge yourself. There can be joy and ease in the journey.

Asha McLaughlin: Asha is a long time yoga & meditation teacher as well as a natural health educator at Bloom Wellness, in Williamsburg. She teaches public classes and offers private sessions - she can be reached at