Feature Reader: Karen Endsley

August Featured Reader: Karen Endsley

From: Norfolk, VA

Reader since: 2014

Occupation: Host of Cooking from the Heart, a local cooking show on Cox11/1011 HD

You’d be Surprised to know…

That I’ve had some crazy adventures in my life such as paragliding in the Alps, taking a canoe trip on the Amazon, hiking (and getting lost on) the Great Wall and riding on top of a train in the Andes.

What She Likes Best About The Health Journal:

Since I’ve had my daughter, my personal health-along with the health of my family-has become a priority. I love having a source of not only healthy eating tips, but also articles on healthy activities and fitness and even breakthroughs in medical advances.

Health Journal: Health Journal's mission is to educate and empower our readers to achieve optimum health. Health care professionals, together with seasoned journalists, partner with us to produce consumer-friendly content on a wide variety of health topics to boost wellness and lead a fulfilling life, including advances in medical technology, ways to manage healthy relationships and recipes to encourage healthy eating.