Ready for Heady Smells and Animal Activity?

Cami's butterfly

April is special. This is the month that my daughter arrived. A tiny bundle of all that is good in the world. Her birth was the pivotal moment when I became completely responsible for another being — some of you reading this will understand. I never really gave April much thought until Cami, but since then, I’ve associated the month with everything fresh and new and sweet. We even have a dog named April. The 26th will mark the second year since she became a part of our family.

As I’ve paid closer attention, it seems that the world outside transforms more in April than any other time of the year. Our senses are full steam ahead to the sights, smells and sounds of spring. We see trees budding, plants sprouting and flowers bursting into bloom in bright hues. Bees will be in hot pursuit of their nectar. Chrysalises, bound to branches, will open to release their butterflies. This is the month when the chilled inodorous air of winter makes way for heady smells, animal activity and plenty of moisture. That’s a good thing — we’ll need it to wash away all that pollen.

As you scroll through our articles, you may notice there’s a sense of newness here at the Health Journal, too. We have fresh eyes taking the reins of the look and feel of the magazine, and you’ll notice some new writers as well. Not unlike what Mother Nature must feel, creating the magazine is an activity that brings us great joy. Each month we take pride in bringing you unique and useful content — celebrating new thoughts and perspectives.

This month we take a close look at the myths and misconceptions surrounding medical research and clinical trials in minority men. We’ll help you find the best house plants to improve your indoor environment, and ask whether or not we need dietary supplements. Be sure to read Rebecca Reimers Cristol’s article on dealing with toxic people in your life. And don’t miss the story by lifestyle guru Dave Asprey, creator of Bulletproof coffee and the Bulletproof diet, who offers up five quick and easy health boosters. We hope reading this month’s issue helps open your mind to novel ideas.

And I discovered that there are a couple theories as to where the fourth month of the year got its name. One theory is that the word is derived from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Another is that April comes from the Latin word “aperire,” meaning to open — like a flower. I find both of these explanations equally satisfying.

Brian Freer: Brian Freer serves as the Publisher of Health Journal and brings to the role nearly 30 years of experience in publishing, multimedia, marketing strategy, and advertising design. His credentials include accolades as an art director, copywriter, and photographer. Since founding the magazine in 2005, Brian has been instrumental in shaping the Health Journal's editorial vision, spearheading advertising campaigns, and overseeing film projects for various health systems, medical practices, and NPOs. In addition to his responsibilities at Health Journal, Brian offers his expertise as a marketing consultant and holds the position of Creative Director at Tusk Creative, a marketing firm based in Williamsburg, Virginia. Outside of his professional pursuits, Brian's interests lie in fine art photography and painting; his works are represented by Matney Gallery. He also enjoys cooking and has a keen appreciation for music. He values time spent with his family.