6 Simple Hacks to Make Your Diet More Delicious

6 Delicious Diet Hacks

For some, the word “diet” may be synonymous with the word “sacrifice.” Believe me, I know that feeling some days. But this doesn’t have to be the case. If we step a little outside the box we can develop big flavors for low-calorie dishes. Here are some easy ways to make your diet more delicious and satisfying.

1. Don’t be afraid to use heart-healthy oils.

For years we’ve been told that oil is a no-no, but heart healthy oils—like olive oil—can add flavor and help your seasonings stick. You’ll be able to get to the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables in no time.
Try this:
Toss cauliflower in olive oil, dried oregano, dried basil, and red pepper flakes. Bake it at 375°F for 10–15 minutes and enjoy!

2. Add cheese.

I’m not talking about globules of cheese sauce, but a sprinkle of cheese can really go a long way. Swiss, Feta, Mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese have some of the fewest calories of the cheeses.

Try this: A sprinkle of Parmesan cheese can mellow the bitterness of hearty greens.

3. Opt for the baby vegetables.

Most vegetables will grow bitter as they mature so buying them as babies will typically give you a sweeter and milder flavor. And here’s a bonus: they cook faster.

Try this: Popular baby vegetables sold in large grocery stores are carrots (the ones with the stem on, not in the plastic bag), artichokes, radishes, and brussels sprouts.

4. Sneak in veggies just like mom used to do.

Pureed vegetables can be used in so many applications as a thickener and sometimes a sweetener. And in most cases, if you don’t like the look or texture of certain vegetables, this is a clever way to still get the nutrients.

Try this: Boil carrots until they’re soft then puree them. Next add the purée to tomato sauce and you won’t need tomato paste.

5. Marinate.

It’s an extra step that’s well worth it—20 to 30 minutes makes a huge difference. I especially marinate poultry such as turkey breast or ground chicken. Marinating not only adds flavor but it also works as a tenderizer. For this chemical reaction to occur be sure to use an air-tight container.

Try this: Use olive oil and MSG-free (of course) poultry or steak seasoning on your vegetables or alternative meat like tofu—talk about flavor and ease. Marinate for at least 20 minutes and grill.

6. Try new cooking methods.

A poached chicken breast tastes very different from a grilled chicken breast. Don’t get stuck on one type of cooking method because you could miss out on great flavor.

Try this: Poach salmon in white wine, citrus, and herbs. Once the salmon is cooked, reduce the poaching liquid to create a delicate sauce.

Kimberley Cuachon Haugh: Kimberley Cuachon Haugh has a passion for fashion and food, "Look good. Eat well," is her philosophy. She is the owner of Kimberley Ashlee Catering where she uses seasonal and sustainable ingredients for her clients in Hampton Roads and Pittsburgh. Find her: kimberleyashleecatering.com | Follow her: @bookkacatering & fb.com/kimberleyashleecatering