5 Tips to Increase Joy

Pretty young teenage girl laying on a grass

Be Generous

We have all heard the saying “it is better to give than receive,” but have you ever experienced this? I have. When I express generosity, I feel my heart brighten and swell. It feels like an important currency in this life. Give it a try!

Focus on the Positive

We can literally create our own reality based on our state of mind. The law of attraction states that whatever you focus on, you attract. Similarly, being mindful and thinking positivitely will not only affect you, but those around you. 

For anyone who feels they are experiencing a dark time, I recommend an incredible book by Byron Katie called “A Thousand Names for Joy,” in which she shares a statement: “I am a lover of what is.” In essence, accepting what is. Letting go of the struggle and softening toward acceptance can be life-changing. Why not, as the Buddha taught, view every challenging event and person you encounter as the perfect teacher? Give it a try.

Smile More

Simply smiling can release endorphins which shift our mood from average towards happy. This brings a lighter feeling and energy with it. It is a win – win as you usually end up smiling at another person, which then causes them to smile and so on and so on. 

Be Kind to Yourself

Now more than ever it is so important to nurture yourself. Make a point to schedule downtime where you disconnect from daily responsibilities and stimulation. Joy comes easily when we focus on our own needs in a caring and loving way. Buy yourself some flowers, take a hike or get a massage.You deserve it!

Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

Mixing it up and stepping outside our familiar can allow us to expand and grow in ways we can’t imagine. Spring is a great time of year to adapt this fresh spirit of change. 

Asha McLaughlin: Asha is a long time yoga & meditation teacher as well as a natural health educator at Bloom Wellness, in Williamsburg. She teaches public classes and offers private sessions - she can be reached at essential.asha@gmail.com.