My Dad Was Right, Leg Strength Is Key

My Dad Was Right. Leg Strength Is Key For Lowering Your Scores!
The golf bug bit me hard at age 12. I had fallen in love with the game that year after breaking 80 for the first time in a local tournament. After much persuasion, my mom wrote a note for the bus driver to drop me off at the course every day after school. If there wasn’t enough light to squeeze in 18 holes, I’d practice until dark and walk home. My daily routine from that point on: school, golf, dinner, homework, repeat. I wanted to be the best I could be, so I asked my Dad – who is also the head pro at our local course – what is the single most important thing I can do to shoot lower scores? His answer: “strengthen your legs.” My reply: “but you swing the club with your arms, not your legs!” I rejected his advice immediately.  Read more.